List of Core Concepts for the Role-Playing Game Professional Model by W.A. Hawkes-Robinson, RPG Research, and RPG Therapeutics LLC

  1. Optimizing the RPG Experience
  2. The 4 Core RPG Formats
  3. RPG and Intrinsic Motivation
  4. Genres Assessment and motivations
  5. Player styles
  6. Player stereotypes
  7. Player Archetypes
  8. Player Archetype Specialists (PAS)
  9. Game Master Styles
  10. Game Master Play Styles
  11. GM Archetypes
  12. GM Stereotypes
  13. Small group dynamics, Tuckman theories of small group forming and communication, and applicaability to RPGs of forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning, and reforming, the Two Paradoxes, etc.
  14. APIE(DR)
  15. 10 Basic Components of the RPG Research & Communities Feedback Loop
  16. Controlled Simulated Social Groups
  17. Roles and Human Distributed Network
  18. The 4 RPGP Credential Types
  19. The 8 Top-level Domains of RPG Application
  20. The 12 Primary Specialty Area Groups
  21. The Trainee, Apprenticeship, Journeyman, Professional Mastery, Maven, Maestro, Executive, and Specialist tiers
  22. Ideal Staffing of each Table
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